Come explore our snowy trails on snowshoes!
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We invite you to celebrate the arrival of winter! Registration required.
Our Free Sunday Program continues! Registration required.
Photo credit: Kassandra Reynolds Autumn has arrived. The gardens are still full of bloom! We have prepared many activities for you. From 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Last entrance at 5 p.m. Registration required.
Spectacle Regards obliques, poésie et patrimoine. Artists : Annie Landreville, Anick Arsenault and Marie-Hélène Voyer. Steve Leroux, visual arts. Musical accompaniment: Antoine Létourneau-Berger
Exceptionally, the event takes place at the Maison de la culture du Château Landry in Mont-Joli.
Photo : Guillaume Boucher
Public reading of the poetry collection in progress, La dyslexie c'est dure à écrire, by Clara Vecchio, RBC artist in Residence at Maison d'Ariane.
Duration: 45 minutes reading followed by a discussion between the artist and the public.
Free activity.
Registration required.
Photo : Ava Kiaei
Workshop led by Naghmeh Sharifi, RBC Artist in Residence at Maison d’Ariane.
Duration: 2 hours.Level: For beginners or those with a basic knowledge of watercolor.
A casual 5@7 with the RBC artists in residence.
Duo Chorus with Daphné B. and Carol-Ann Belzil-Normand. In collaboration with Rhizome.
Workshop led by Angelina Guo, RBC Artist in Residence at Maison d’Ariane. Reservation required.
Multidisciplinary Installation accessible from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Presence of performers between: 10:30 a.m. and 12 p.m. · 2:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. · 3:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. Production Lilith & Cie
Photo credit: Louise Tanguay Celebrate back-to-school with a free visit to the Gardens! Several activities are planned for the whole family. From 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Last entrance at 5 p.m. Registration required.
Workshop led by Valérie Cain Bourget, RBC Artist in Residence at Maison d’Ariane. Reservation required.
By Manon Savard and Nicolas Beaudry, Laboratoire d’archéologie et de patrimoine de l’UQAR. In collaboration with Heritage Lower Saint Lawrence.
With Mireille Gagné and Charles Sagalane. Musical Accompaniment: Lydia Clapperton (piano). Animation : Annie Landreville.
By Manon Savard and Nicolas Beaudry, Laboratoire d'archéologie et de patrimoine of UQAR.
By Gisèle Villacorta-Murcia, Collections Archivist, Jardins de Métis.
Pascal Demalsy TrioPascal Demalsy (accordion, Rhodes, voice), Tobias Soley (bass), James Levesque-Gagnon (percussion).
In collaboration with the Conservatoire de musique de Rimouski.
Literary Walk and Literary Tea with Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette and Steve Gagnon. Musical Accompaniment: Anne Bilodeau - violon.
Recycled Paper-making workshop and mediation on the benefits of trees in an urban environment with the Association forestière bas-laurentienne. Reservation is not required.
En avant toute! With Camille Charest (flute) and Martin Pelletier (piano). In collaboration with the Conservatoire de musique de Rimouski.
Photo Credit: Jérémie Boucher | The Compagnie Marie Chouinard takes the road to the coast of Bas-Saint-Laurent and Gaspésie for a tour of free outdoor shows.
The teams from the kitchens, gardens and exhibitions are conspiring to create a memorable evening inspired by the magical outdoor meals that feature in the photo albums of Elsie Reford and her family.
Atelier d’été de l’Université de Montréal aux Jardins de Métis. Photo Credit: Emile Forest
CREDITSMichael Reford in Aswan, Egypt1937, Evelyn Reford. Silver print. Collection Les Amis des Jardins de Métis
Views of the Reford family's travels to Egypt. By Philippe Denis, Museologist and education and mediation coordinator for the Reford Gardens.
Photo Credit: The FocalisterA presentation of the Vieux Théâtre de Saint-Fabien.
Duo concert with Jérôme Beaulieu, piano and keyboards. Co Presented by the Vieux Théâtre de St-Fabien, CLAC and Les Jardins de Métis as part of the Réseau des Organisateurs de Spectacles de l’Est du Québec (ROSEQ) Tour.
Diogo Ramos is a singer-songwriter from Sao Paolo, Brazil. His music is part of the long tradition of popular Brazilian singers.
A presentation of the Vieux théâtre de Saint-Fabien.
By Hélène Raymond, author. Accompanied by Caroline Senay and Catherine Couillard, researchers at the Maurice-Lamontagne Institute.
Photo Credit: Kassandra Reynolds | Take advantage of this Free Sunday to come and admire the magnificent flowers of early August. Several activities are planned for the whole family. From 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Last entrance at 6 p.m. Registration required.
The xylophone in its many states.
With Gabriel Dionne, a noted percussionist who has been sharing his love of the xylophone for decades.
Hosted by Guillaume Éthier and Emile Forest, each episode of Cadre bâti is an opportunity to address an urban subject in depth, from different angles, in a discussion that focuses on humility and horizontality in the exchanges. Their guests: Sébastien Roy and Jérémie Dussault-Lefebvre, the 2023 recipients of the Grantham Foundation’s Grand Prize for Creation and Research in Architecture.
By Hélène Samson and Nathalie Houle. Beyond the watercolors painted by Anna Lois Dawson Harrington (1851-1917), how can we understand her personality?
In support of the Café sur Mer project of Heritage Lower St-Lawrence.In collaboration with Heritage Lower St-Lawrence.
Cordes sensibles, with Aurélie Quimper-Bouchard (violon) and Michel-Alexandre Broekaert (piano). In collaboration with the Conservatoire de musique de Rimouski. Reservation is not required.
Conversation with Pierre Thibault et Catherine Perrin. On La Véranda, the architectural work created in 2021 to offer a performance space for artists a place which brings us joy.
Presentation of the Festival’s anniversary theme, Ecology of Possibilities, and of the 2024 projects.By Ève De Garie-Lamanque, Artistic Director, International Garden Festival.
In collaboration with the Conservatoire de musique de Rimouski.Summer choir, with Josée Fortin as musical director.Reservation is not required.
In collaboration with the Centaur Theater and the Théâtre du Bic.
Alice Pascual shares with us the very first stages of creating her theatrical project on Elsie Reford.
Unfortunately, for reasons beyond our control, the Literary Tea with Louis Hamelin is canceled.
This mini-introductory workshop is aimed at people wishing to discover and experiment with the creation of wet collodion photographs on aluminum plates (tintypes). Registration required.
In collaboration with the Conservatoire de musique de Rimouski.Vocal technique workshop for choristers, with Peggy Bélanger, singing teacher at the Conservatoire de musique de Trois-Rivières. Registration required.
Organized by the Conservatoire de musique de Rimouski.Marc Hervieux himself is up for auction! 100% of the profits will be used to enhance the next edition of La Semaine chantante in the summer of 2025.
Transporting audiences on an epic musical adventure, the Carnaval concert by the Carl Mayotte Quintet is sure to be one of the must-see jazz events of 2023-2024. Registration required.
In collaboration with the Conservatoire de musique de Rimouski.La classe de Maestro Catapulto. Text of Pascal Blanchet. With students from the Conservatoires de musique de Gatineau, Rimouski, Saguenay et Trois-Rivières. Special participation by Marc Hervieux. Registration required.
In collaboration with the Conservatoire de musique de Rimouski.La chauve-souris by Johann Strauss II with students from the Conservatoires de musique de Gatineau, Rimouski, Saguenay et Trois-Rivières. Special participation by Marc Hervieux. Registration required.
In collaboration with the Conservatoire de musique de Rimouski.Special price to attend our 2 Apéro operas!
July 17, 5 p.m.: La chauve-souris by Johann Strauss IIJuly 18, 5 p.m.: La classe de Maestro Catapulto. Text of Pascal Blanchet.
In collaboration with the Conservatoire de musique de Rimouski.This master class, led by Marc Hervieux, is offered to students from the music conservatories of Gatineau, Rimouski, Saguenay and Trois-Rivières. It is open to the public who can attend as an observer. Registration required.
In collaboration with the Conservatoire de musique de Rimouski.Scenic performance workshop with actress Sophie Faucher. Registration required.
Brises françaises, with soprano Émilie Ross and pianist Ève-Amélie Dufour. In collaboration with the Conservatoire de musique de Rimouski.Reservation is not required.
With Jean-Philippe Pleau. Animation : Marie-Hélène Voyer. In collaboration with the Salon du livre de Rimouski.
View of Elsie Reford’s excursion in Gaspésie.
By Marjelaine Sylvestre, Director of the Museum Department.
It’s blue poppy time! Take advantage of this Free Sunday to come see them. Several activities are planned for the whole family. From 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Last entrance at 6 p.m. Registration required.
Saxofun, with Heidi Robichaud (saxophone) and Jean-Gabriel Otis (piano). In collaboration with the Conservatoire de musique de Rimouski.
With Zachary Richard. Musical Accompaniment: Rick Haworth. Animation: Richard Daigle.
In this documentary theatre performance (in French), Christine Beaulieu takes on the persona of a salmon, from egg to adult. She tells the remarkable tale of the Atlantic salmon and their voyage from the Mitis River and back to the pools of their birth and the many obstacles they face, with and without the help of humans.Read more
LES SAUMONS DE LA MITIS - 2024 Edition / Aperitif theater followed by a culinary evening prepared by chef Frédérick Boucher on the flower-filled terrace of Estevan Lodge. In the company of artists and artisans Christine Beaulieu, Alice Pascual, Geneviève Lizotte, Frédéric Auger and Caroline Lavergne.
Join the second year of the Canadian Centre for Architecture’s Master’s Students Program to explore the effects of erosion on the landscape and shorelines surrounding the Jardins de Metis on the Mitis and St. Lawrence Rivers.
Jardins féeriques, Duo BoMi on piano for 4 hands. In collaboration with the Conservatoire de musique de Rimouski. Reservation is not required.
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the International Garden Festival, the Festival is celebrating in style with many events and activities. The Journées de réflexion [Discussion Days] are being held on the theme Ouvrir les possibles [Unfolding Possibilities] on Saturday, June 22 and Sunday, June 23.
Paleobotanical art of Anna Lois Dawson Harrington – from the fossil to the bed sheetBy Ingrid Birker, Scientific Popularization Coordinator at McGill University.
The conference is given in English.
On the Shore Collecting Images, In Search of Anna Lois (1851-1917)By Ewa Monika Zebrowski, photograph and poet.
Come and join the curators and artists at the exhibition launch.
Free Sundays are back for the summer. This is the perfect opportunity to explore our, exhibitions, new and permanent.
From 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Last admission at 5 p.m.
Lecture and tasting with Patrice Fortier from La société des plantes.
Patrice Fortier presents a selection of plants that are as useful as they are pleasing, and that have proven their worth in Quebec for their quality as vegetables or herbs, their general resilience, and their ornamental potential.
Villa Estevan Lodge restaurant and Les Jardins de Métis launch Les Soupers à Quatre Mains with chefs Frédérick Boucher and Adrian Pastor.
Sunday, May 5 offers you an opportunity to enjoy a glimpse of the coming season.
Join us to work alongside our gardeners, assistant gardeners and workers to prepare the gardens for the opening of the season.
Our early spring is bringing the gardens back to life and bloom to the Aire Desjardins in the Great Hall.
The traditional Winter Wonderland at the Reford Gardens is back for its 14th edition.
Join us on Sunday, February 4 at Les Jardins de Métis, from 1 pm to 4 pm for a winter walk or snowshoe. A bonfire will warm your bones and music by Les cousins pleins d’épices will warm your soul.
2024 will begin with a bang in January with the first Free Sunday of the New Year on Sunday, January 7. Winter walk to the rivermouth and a bonfire on the site of the International Garden Festival will herald the 25th anniversary of the International Garden Festival. Events begin in the Great Hall with a re-broadcast at 1:30 pm of Isabelle Boulay’s Télé-Québec spectacle recorded in the Gardens in September.
Proud of last year's success, you are cordially invited to an evening with Distillerie Mitis. Join us at the Great Hall for a 4-course dinner accompanied by four sensational cocktails, all lovingly and expertly prepared with fine spirits from Distillerie Mitis.
Concert using the Seiler grand piano, festive spirit and winter walk in the gardens
In the "Beer Evening" series of dinners in the Great Hall of Les Jardins de Métis, a unique tasting experience where we will marry the flavours of the gardens and the fall harvest with beers produced by local micro-brewers.
A lecture and reading by Louis Lefebvre, biologist, ethologist and retired McGill University professor, author of Tête de linotte, recently published by Les Éditions de Boréal.
Birds have long had the reputation of not being as intelligent as mammals. And yes, it's true that many birds really are airheads... Others, however, are as intelligent as most apes, and have even more neurons than them in the part of their brain that corresponds to our cortex.
An interactive workshop for the whole family on paper and wood.
Moving between site-specific installation and performative practice, Comportements poétiques is a four-hour journey that evokes the intentional use of the imaginary (Enghauser, 2007) at a time of significant upheaval.
For the 23rd edition of the literary teas, the Reford Gardens will be hosting eight events featuring 13 of Quebec's leading literary figures and their accompanying musicians, from June 25 to September 24.
Ann Karine Bourdeau Leduc recovers, recycles and collects materials of all kinds, which are then presented in the form of sculptural installations combining printed images and drawings.
Digital plotter: computer printing device for line-based graphic printing.
The Villa Estevan Lodge restaurant presents "Beer Evenings".
A felting circle and discussion on the issues involved in promoting local wool, with Geneviève Brisson, full professor and environmental anthropologist, UQAR, and Mary Richardson, independent researcher and anthropologist, at 2 p.m. in the Desjardins area of the Great Hall.
Eco-somatic approaches to movement, which can be seen as heirs to the practices of somatic education, performance and post-modern and contemporary dance, seem to fit directly into this current of thought, which informs our relationships with the world, with the living and the non-living, in new ways.
Launch of the book Les saumons de la Mitis, by Christine Beaulieu, accompanied by an exhibition of original illustrations by Caroline Lavergne, many of which will be on sale.
A true Japanese art of living, Shinrin Yoku is a sensory experience of mindfulness in nature aimed at absorbing the benefits offered by the flora and fauna surrounding us.
Pour que le monde ne se défasse | L'orchestre d'hommes-orchestres (
Fitzgerald adapts and reimagines obsolete photographic methods, often combining multiple techniques to create her unique aesthetic and push her medium’s expressive potential. Many of the images of Last Light are cloaked in blue, referencing the diminishing capacity for completely dark night sky in the face of human industry and climate change.
The popular musical picnics are back in the Arboretum near the Estevan Lodge, on the brand-new Hydro-Québec Stage, every Sunday from July 2 to August 20! We look forward to seeing you there!
The event is free with admission to the Reford Gardens. You can buy a lunch at the Bufton, or bring your own picnic.
We look forward to enjoying the music with you!
We invite you to a presentation of the approach and explorations of the 2023 edition of this Summer Workshop, Paysages généreux, paysages faits main, as well as a visit to the garden imagined and created by the students.
The role played by women in fashion in Quebec is little known. Yet they have played an important role in its development and promotion, and even in defending those who work in it.
Denis Boucher is president of the Conseil du patrimoine de Montréal. He is a historian. Involved in cultural heritage for 25 years as an expert, strategic advisor, communicator, teacher and project leader, his academic research has highlighted the impact of cultural heritage on local identities, an issue for which he still has a great interest through safeguarding movements, citizen involvement and the social dimension of heritage.
Sortir du cadre events seek to pursue this mission by inviting the public to attend the recording of an episode. A moment is planned, at the end, to allow the participants to continue the discussion with the members of the team.
Lecture by Alexander Reford, director of the Reford Gardens.
The benefit dinner for the International Garden Festival will be held on Saturday, August 12 at 6 pm. Tickets are $200, and a $75 tax receipt will be issued.
A lecture by Émile Forest, in collaboration with the École d’été de l’Université de Montréal.
Join Alexander Reford for a historical lecture on the links between the Matamajaw Fishing Heritage Site and the Jardins de Métis. Free event held at the Museum Bistro on the site patrimonial de pêche Matamajaw at Causapscal.
This project is supported by the Entente de développement culturel de la MRC de La Matapédia.
Élise Lavoie, violin, and James Darling, cello, join pianist Maurice Laforest to present the piano trios of Fanny and Felix... as if we were there with the Mendelssohn family.
La mode d’ici a longtemps été influencée par celle de Paris et de Londres. Les termes élégant et confortable qui apparaissent au 19e siècle pour qualifier la garde-robe des Montréalaises, prouvent cependant qu’elles n’ont jamais suivi aveuglément ces modes étrangères ne serait-ce qu’en raison des besoins engendrés par les rigueurs du climat.
Apéro recital with Marc Hervieux, tenor, and Éric Sénéchal, piano, on La Véranda de Pierre Thibault, July 27 at 5:30 p.m.
An integral part of Singing Week, we present, for the third year in a row, apero operettas on La Veranda de Pierre Thibault, July 26 at 5 pm.
This master class, presented by tenor Marc Hervieux, is for students from the Conservatoires de musique de Rimouski et du Saguenay, and runs from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. in the Desjardins area of the Great Hall. Please note that this event, originally scheduled for 10 a.m., will take place at 1 p.m.
This master class, presented by tenor Marc Hervieux, is for students from the conservatoires de musique de Rimouski et du Saguenay, and runs from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Desjardins area of the Great Hall. Please note that this event, originally scheduled for 2 p.m., will take place at 4 p.m.
They have a duo, and the music lies somewhere between everything you can imagine: delicate chamber music with a whole host of influences from Jimmy Giuffre to Morton Feldman, electronic noise and medieval songs.
The benefit dinner for the Amis des Jardins de Métis will take place on Saturday, July 22 at 6 p.m. at the Villa Estevan.
Creative residency of photographer Louise Tanguay - Le pavot bleu
Pop-up sale exhibition Le pavot bleu by Louise Tanguay Desjardins area of the Grand Hall
Tracking Time: Alexander Henderson’s Photographs of the Intercolonial Railway – 1873-1876
Alexander Reford
Thursday, July 20, 4 p.m., aire Desjardin, Great hall
Ottawa artist Christine Fitzgerald in collaboration with renowned marine conservation scientist Dr. Lyne Morissette will lead a public workshop teaching participants from the Métis area and Lower St. Lawrence communities how to create blue cyanotypes, one-of-a-kind prints made by exposing river specimens on light-sensitive paper and fabric.
This talk, given by Philippe Denis, will take the form of a treasure hunt. It will enable the audience to retrace the investigation that led to this conclusion, presenting the elements that enabled it to be formulated.
Come and discover, in the Desjardins Area of the Grand Hall, the natural and acoustic phenomena that make the Mer du vent bottles sing and transform the Miroirs acoustiques into veritable amplifiers of surrounding sounds, thanks to the specific properties of their parabolic shape.
In 1911, 22-year-old Jules-A. Brillant, became manager of the newly-formed Compagnie électrique d'Amqui. Eight years later, he had taken control of the company. But Brillant was thinking big...
Come and meet actress and author Sophie Faucher on Thursday June 29 at 1:30 p.m. at the Reford Gardens arboretum.
Conference on a manifesto for sustainable, modern architecture.
The Carrefour de la littérature, des arts et de la culture (CLAC) is pleased to present the exhibition Horizon fleuve, a CLAC production combining creative writing, photography and marine sciences.
Two launchings in one - Soak up the art of living at the Reford Gardens, with fashion from the late 1800s and clay creations by Stéphanie Béliveau.