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Trio Lavoie, Laforest, Darling at the Reford Gardens

Date: August 6, 2023 - 05:00 PM
Place: L'aire Desjardins du Grand hall
Price: 23$

Trio Lavoie, Laforest, Darling at the Reford Gardens

Trio Lavoie, Laforest, Darling - Résonances Tour

Élise Lavoie, violin, and James Darling, cello, join pianist Maurice Laforest to present the piano trios of Fanny and Felix... as if we were there with the Mendelssohn family.

This project is also part of a mini-tour taking the Concerts aux Îles du Bic festival to the four corners of the Bas-Saint-Laurent region. Presented by Hydro-Québec in collaboration with Desjardins.


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