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August 27, 2022

Carte blanche to...
Carte blanche à... François Grisé, of Un et un font mille : IMAGINARIUM - POESIS 3 - 10:00 AM, 02:00 PM, 06:00 PM
For 4 days, artist François Grisé will take place in the heart of the Imaginarium - conceived in collaboration with the architecture and design firm Ædifica - to meet the public in ... (Read more)

August 26, 2022

Carte blanche to...
Carte blanche à... François Grisé, of Un et un font mille : IMAGINARIUM - POESIS 3 - 10:00 AM, 02:00 PM
For 4 days, artist François Grisé will take place in the heart of the Imaginarium - conceived in collaboration with the architecture and design firm Ædifica - to meet the public in ... (Read more)

August 25, 2022

Carte blanche to...
Carte blanche à... François Grisé, of Un et un font mille : IMAGINARIUM - POESIS 3 - 10:00 AM, 02:00 PM
For 4 days, artist François Grisé will take place in the heart of the Imaginarium - conceived in collaboration with the architecture and design firm Ædifica - to meet the public in ... (Read more)

August 24, 2022

Carte blanche to...
Carte blanche à... François Grisé, of Un et un font mille : IMAGINARIUM - POESIS 3 - 10:00 AM, 02:00 PM
For 4 days, artist François Grisé will take place in the heart of the Imaginarium - conceived in collaboration with the architecture and design firm Ædifica - to meet the public in ... (Read more)

July 31, 2022

Carte blanche to...
«Elsie Reford - héroïne d`Anaïs» - A Reading with Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette - 04:00 PM
Nos héroïnesClick here to reserve Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette invites young people to discover the portraits of 40 little-known Quebec women, whether they were sportswomen, nuns, scientists or artists ... (Read more)

July 28, 2022

Carte blanche to...
Faunes - Variations - 03:30 PM
Danièle Desnoyers and her company Le Carré des Lombes return to the Reford Gardens to present a new event. The Quebec choreographer continues her investigation of dance "outside the walls" as part o ... (Read more)

July 27, 2022

Carte blanche to...
Faunes - Variations - 03:30 PM
Danièle Desnoyers and her company Le Carré des Lombes return to the Reford Gardens to present a new event. The Quebec choreographer continues her investigation of dance "outside the walls" as part o ... (Read more)

July 26, 2022

Carte blanche to...
Faunes - Variations - 03:30 PM
Danièle Desnoyers and her company Le Carré des Lombes return to the Reford Gardens to present a new event. The Quebec choreographer continues her investigation of dance "outside the walls" as part o ... (Read more)

July 25, 2022

Carte blanche to...
Faunes - Variations - 03:30 PM
Danièle Desnoyers and her company Le Carré des Lombes return to the Reford Gardens to present a new event. The Quebec choreographer continues her investigation of dance "outside the walls" as part o ... (Read more)

July 17, 2022

Carte blanche to...
Les saumons de la Mitisipu - 12:00 AM
Les saumons de la Mitisipu Text: Christine Beaulieu Artistic director: Geneviève Lizotte Sound design: Frédéric Auger With Christine Beaulieu and Alice Pascual   Performance offered free of ... (Read more)

July 16, 2022

Carte blanche to...
Les saumons de la Mitisipu - 12:00 AM
Les saumons de la Mitisipu Text: Christine Beaulieu Artistic director: Geneviève Lizotte Sound design: Frédéric Auger With Christine Beaulieu and Alice Pascual   Performance offered free of ... (Read more)

July 15, 2022

Carte blanche to...
Les saumons de la Mitisipu - 12:00 AM
Les saumons de la Mitisipu Text: Christine Beaulieu Artistic director: Geneviève Lizotte Sound design: Frédéric Auger With Christine Beaulieu and Alice Pascual   Performance offered free of ... (Read more)

June 26, 2022

Carte blanche to...
Return to Walden, in the footsteps of Henry David Thoreau - 04:00 PM
Conference * Retour à Walden, sur les pas d’Henry David Thoreau (Return to Walden, in the footsteps of Henry David Thoreau)Click here to reserve your seat "I was in my twenties when I first read ... (Read more)