Literary performance L’estran
Accompanying musicians: Dâvi Simard, violin, Mili Hong, percussion and Sébastien Sauvageau, guitar L'estran was born from the encounter between poet Isabelle Miron, composer and guitarist Sébastien Sauvageau and the foreshore of the St. Lawrence River, that space of the shoreline that is uncovered and covered by the tides. Isabelle Miron's words tell the story of the foreshore and call for the dissolution of the boundaries between the eras and the people who have shaped and are shaping this ecosystem. The poetic suite invites to see, feel and hear what really lives there. Here, large rocks, born like us from some star, rub shoulders with what the tides bring and take back from moon to moon; children look for "clams" with both feet in the flats, passing by the very place where, in the 18th century, Marie Caresse ran the Auberge du repos, a place where unfortunate travelers mysteriously disappeared. A spellbinding work that brings wonder and humility to the grandeur of the St. Lawrence and the foreshore, a true dock for all departures and arrivals.