Hosted by Guillaume Éthier and Emile Forest, each episode of Cadre bâti is an opportunity to address an urban subject in depth, from different angles, in a discussion that focuses on humility and horizontality in the exchanges. Their guests: Sébastien Roy and Jérémie Dussault-Lefebvre, the 2023 recipients of the Grantham Foundation’s Grand Prize for Creation and Research in Architecture.
Conversation with Pierre Thibault et Catherine Perrin. On La Véranda, the architectural work created in 2021 to offer a performance space for artists a place which brings us joy.
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Organized by the Conservatoire de musique de Rimouski.Marc Hervieux himself is up for auction! 100% of the profits will be used to enhance the next edition of La Semaine chantante in the summer of 2025.
To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the International Garden Festival, the Festival is celebrating in style with many events and activities. The Journées de réflexion [Discussion Days] are being held on the theme Ouvrir les possibles [Unfolding Possibilities] on Saturday, June 22 and Sunday, June 23.
Join us to work alongside our gardeners, assistant gardeners and workers to prepare the gardens for the opening of the season.
Moving between site-specific installation and performative practice, Comportements poétiques is a four-hour journey that evokes the intentional use of the imaginary (Enghauser, 2007) at a time of significant upheaval.