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Free Sundays

FREE SUNDAY | January 8 | Thank you !

Date: January 8, 2023 - 11:00 AM
Place: L'aire Desjardins du Grand hall
Price: 0$

FREE SUNDAY | January 8 | Thank you !

A special free winter Sunday to thank the community for coming to our aid after the December 23rd winds.
This Sunday, a special concert will be presented in the Desjardins area of the Great Hall to thank you for your help with the clean-up. The site will open at 11:00 a.m., the concert of the Jazz -O-Vibe ensemble will be presented at 1:30 p.m. 

Take your tickets here

Here is a small summary of our collective efforts to pick up the trees and debris caused by the 99 km / hour winds on December 23rd and 24th. We calculated about 150 lost trees, of which 40 and more are centennial spruce trees. The worst area near the main entrance has been cleared. The other most damaged area, near the fence and the ecological house, has also been cleared.
Following a call via Facebook on December 27th, our members and volunteers from all over the region participated in the 4 clean-up operations to pick up fallen trees and branches in the wooded areas throughout the site. We have 40 16 foot logs, 100 8 foot logs and several hundred 4 foot logs. The mountain of branches transformed into chips is already impressive; once the pile of branches is shredded, we will have several tons of chips for our needs and the needs of the Park. There is still work to be done to get the logs out and shred the branches. More than 80 people have already participated; many have done all 4 days! Louise Condrain, a resident of the St-Jean-sur-Richelieu area, even came down to spend a day helping us. Our prefect, Bruno Paradis, and distiller-partner David Soucy, cleaned up the Reserve area. Comedian Marie-Thérèse Fortin participated on Thursday in the clean-up with her husband Michel. A big thank you to Micheline Williams and Jean-Maurice Migneault for providing the food. To all the employees present during the holiday season, thank you for your participation and leadership.
To all of you, thank you very much.

Alexander Reford

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