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August 25, 2024

The Archaeology of Leggatt’s Point: Recent Fieldwork and Perspectives - 01:30 PM

By Manon Savard and Nicolas Beaudry, Laboratoire d’archéologie et de patrimoine de l’UQAR. In collaboration with Heritage Lower Saint Lawrence.

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August 24, 2024

Archaeology of an Eroding Heritage: the 2024 Intervention at the Mouth of the Mitis River - 02:00 PM

By Manon Savard and Nicolas Beaudry, Laboratoire d'archéologie et de patrimoine of UQAR.

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August 1, 2024

Lecture | From Shadow to Light: a transversal regards of the Anna Lois Dawson Harrington archives - 05:00 PM

By Hélène Samson and Nathalie Houle. Beyond the watercolors painted by Anna Lois Dawson Harrington (1851-1917), how can we understand her personality?

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July 3, 2024

Tending to the Riverscape - 05:30 PM

Join the second year of the Canadian Centre for Architecture’s Master’s Students Program to explore the effects of erosion on the landscape and shorelines surrounding the Jardins de Metis on the Mitis and St. Lawrence Rivers.

June 19, 2024

Lecture | Light and Fog - 05:00 PM

Paleobotanical art of Anna Lois Dawson Harrington – from the fossil to the bed sheet
By Ingrid Birker, Scientific Popularization Coordinator at McGill University.

The conference is given in English.

June 17, 2024

Lecture | Light and Fog - 02:00 PM

On the Shore Collecting Images, In Search of Anna Lois (1851-1917)
By Ewa Monika Zebrowski, photograph and poet.

The conference is given in English.

June 2, 2024

How to Grow a Vegetable Garden Differently - 10:00 AM

Lecture and tasting with Patrice Fortier from La société des plantes.

Patrice Fortier presents a selection of plants that are as useful as they are pleasing, and that have proven their worth in Quebec for their quality as vegetables or herbs, their general resilience, and their ornamental potential.

August 19, 2023

PRESENTATION | Paysages généreux, paysages faits main - Unveiling of Student Experiments - 04:00 PM

We invite you to a presentation of the approach and explorations of the 2023 edition of this Summer Workshop, Paysages généreux, paysages faits main, as well as a visit to the garden imagined and created by the students.

August 18, 2023

LECTURE | In vogue. Elsie Reford et les pionnières de la mode au Québec - 05:00 PM

The role played by women in fashion in Quebec is little known. Yet they have played an important role in its development and promotion, and even in defending those who work in it.

August 17, 2023

LECTURE | Parlons patrimoine, préservation et paysages - Denis Boucher, president of the Conseil du patrimoine de Montréal - 05:30 PM

Denis Boucher is president of the Conseil du patrimoine de Montréal. He is a historian. Involved in cultural heritage for 25 years as an expert, strategic advisor, communicator, teacher and project leader, his academic research has highlighted the impact of cultural heritage on local identities, an issue for which he still has a great interest through safeguarding movements, citizen involvement and the social dimension of heritage.

August 16, 2023

PODCAST | Recording of an Episode of the Podcast Cadre bâti - Guillaume Éthier and Emile Forest - 05:30 PM

Sortir du cadre events seek to pursue this mission by inviting the public to attend the recording of an episode. A moment is planned, at the end, to allow the participants to continue the discussion with the members of the team.

August 15, 2023

August 11, 2023

LECTURE | Le Jardin comme outil de régénération écologique - 04:00 PM

A lecture by Émile Forest, in collaboration with the École d’été de l’Université de Montréal.

August 9, 2023

TALK | Fishing Fanatic: George Stephen and the Salmon, by Alexander Reford - 07:00 PM

Join Alexander Reford for a historical lecture on the links between the Matamajaw Fishing Heritage Site and the Jardins de Métis. Free event held at the Museum Bistro on the site patrimonial de pêche Matamajaw at Causapscal.

This project is supported by the Entente de développement culturel de la MRC de La Matapédia.

August 4, 2023

En/In vogue. Elsie Reford et la mode québécoise  - 05:00 PM

La mode d’ici a longtemps été influencée par celle de Paris et de Londres. Les termes élégant et confortable qui apparaissent au 19e siècle pour qualifier la garde-robe des Montréalaises, prouvent cependant qu’elles n’ont jamais suivi aveuglément ces modes étrangères ne serait-ce qu’en raison des besoins engendrés par les rigueurs du climat. 


July 20, 2023

TALK | Tracking Time: Alexander Henderson’s Photographs of the Intercolonial Railway – 1873-1876 - 04:00 PM


Tracking Time: Alexander Henderson’s Photographs of the Intercolonial Railway – 1873-1876

Alexander Reford

Thursday, July 20, 4 p.m., aire Desjardin, Great hall

July 14, 2023

LECTURE | En/In vogue. Elsie Reford and the Parisian novelty - 05:00 PM

This talk, given by Philippe Denis, will take the form of a treasure hunt. It will enable the audience to retrace the investigation that led to this conclusion, presenting the elements that enabled it to be formulated.

July 1, 2023

LECTURE | Jules-A. Brillant et l'électrification de la région, by Richard Saindon and Paul Larocque - 02:00 PM

In 1911, 22-year-old Jules-A. Brillant, became manager of the newly-formed Compagnie électrique d'Amqui. Eight years later, he had taken control of the company. But Brillant was thinking big...

June 29, 2023

November 19, 2022

ELSIE 150 CELEBRATIONS | Female Entrepreneurship - Les Mauvaises Herbes - 01:30 PM
As part of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Elsie Reford, the founder of Les Jardins de Métis, a series of conferences has been organized to highlight the various passions of this inspirin ... (Read more)

October 10, 2022

ELSIE 150 CELEBRATIONS | Marthe Laverdière - 03:00 PM
Marthe Laverdière in conference at the Reford Gardens / Jardins de Métis as part of the 150th anniversary celebrations of Elsie Reford, in the Great Hall. $22/ticket, valid for members a ... (Read more)

September 3, 2022

Eco-sociologist Laure Waridel to speak at the Jardins de Métis as part of the 150th anniversary celebrations of Elsie Reford in the Great Hall.For reservations, click here.  Laure Waridel ... (Read more)

August 6, 2022

Guided tour of the Contemporary Art Walk with Ève de Garie-Lamanque - 01:00 PM
Guided tour of the Contemporary Art Walk at the Reford Gardens with the curator of contemporary art at the Musée régional de Rimouski, Ève de Garie-Lamanque, on Saturday, August 6, 1:00 pm. The co ... (Read more)

August 3, 2022

Autobiography of a Garden - 04:00 PM
Illustrated lecture and book launch of Patterson Webster's new book on the garden she created on Lake Massawippi in the Eastern Townships. Autobiography of a Garden follows Pat Webster's tw ... (Read more)

July 13, 2022

Screening of La Véranda, by Edgar Fritz - 05:00 PM
Attend the screening of Edgar Fritz's La Véranda, with Christine Beaulieu, Alice Pascual, Geneviève Lizotte, Frédéric Auger, Pierre Thibault and Alexander Reford, on Wednes ... (Read more)

June 11, 2022

The Veiled Man - 01:00 PM
By Maude Leduc Préfontaine and Soliel Perreault As part of the project Se corrompre of L'ExiL The literary artists present a retelling of a tale of quest, giant, gardening, life and death, inspired ... (Read more)