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Faunes - Variations

Multiple Dates: July 25, 2022 - 03:30 PM, July 26, 2022 - 03:30 PM, July 27, 2022 - 03:30 PM, July 28, 2022 - 03:30 PM
Place: Jardins historiques et Véranda de Pierre Thibault - Historic Gardens and Pierre Thibault's Véranda
Price: 0$

Faunes - Variations

Danièle Desnoyers and her company Le Carré des Lombes return to the Reford Gardens to present a new event. The Quebec choreographer continues her investigation of dance "outside the walls" as part of a cycle of creations entitled Les scénographies-paysages, in which she explores the artistic potential of singular natural spaces.

The Reford Gardens come to life, movement appears in a form other than that of light, wind or the unfolding of flowers. A sensitive reading of the spaces leads the dance artists to invest different parts of the gardens, to elaborate their own performances without distorting the essence of the place, wanting rather to melt into it. Passers-by are free to immerse themselves in these gentle presences, to flush them out and to linger there without any time constraints. They act in a furtive way, like a fauna which moves in search of a shelter or a new habitat.

Then, in a protected enclave of these luxuriant gardens, the artists meet around La Véranda, an installation designed by architect Pierre Thibault. The audience is then welcomed into this intimate setting where a string quartet and five dancers come together for a final celebration of life. Music by Purcell, Bach and Tartini enchant the gardens just before dusk and provide a sound setting for a dizzying and sensitive dance.

A presence of the interpreters from 3:30 pm in the Gardens
Then, a meeting point at La Véranda at 5:30 pm

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Danièle Desnoyers, in collaboration with the performers and musicians of the Conservatoire de musique de Rimouski


Myriam Arseneault
Jean-Benoit Labrecque
Abe Simon Mijnheer
Milan Panet-Gigon
Brontë Poiré-Prest


Elisa Trudel
Marie-Edith Racine
Eloïse Gosselin
Alice St-Laurent


Emmanuelle Bourassa Beaudoin


Danièle Desnoyers, artistic collaboration with Marianne Thériault



Yannick Bouchard

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