Author-in-residence Brigitte Léveillé offers a group writing workshop that invites participants to consider their everyday lives as a primer for creation.
This will be an opportunity to create from pre-existing materials (printed books, documents, photographs, recordings), remaining faithful to them or diverting them. Participants will experiment with various techniques to harvest or provoke raw material from which to write from.
Space limited to 10 participantss.
Open to all, ages 15 and up.
Free activity with the purchase of daily access to Les Jardins de Métis (purchase must be completed at registration). Les Jardins members will need to present their valid membership card at the entrance of the site. To register, click here!
Materials required: personal notebook, pen or pencil
The RBC Residencies at La Maison d'Ariane are part of the Royal Bank of Canada's RBC Emerging Artists Program, which helps nurture tomorrow's talent today and supports organizations that offer artists the best opportunities to advance their careers.