In celebration of Women’s History Month, Les Jardins de Métis and Les Éditions Umanium, invite you to the launch of the book Elsie Reford: 150 Objects of Passion. Meet the creators of the book and Les Jardins de Métis director Alexander Reford, Elsie Reford’s great-grandson, who will discuss the life of this remarkable pioneer of Canadian horticulture. Monday, March 6, 2023 Centaur Theatre 453 Saint Francois Xavier Street Montreal 5:00 to 7 p.m. Space is limited. Please click here to reserve a place. The book is available in English and French for $59.99. About the book: Elsie Reford: 150 Objects of Passion tells the story of 150 objects that captivated Elsie Reford throughout her life. Their story is told in this engaging new book, produced by Les Jardins de Métis in cooperation with Les Éditions Umanium to commemorate the 150th birthday, in 2022, of the woman who shaped Montréal society and whose legacy is one of the most prestigious gardens in Canada. For information: 418-775-2221, x 221