Ad vitam brevem is a hyper-accelerated historical and prophetic narrative that begins at the very beginning of life on Earth, flies through the short reign of human beings and ends in a post-civilization universe. It is a contemporary chamber ballet for two dancers, viola, cello, piano and tape, with each of the three tableaux written by a different composer following an abstract and poetic narrative. The project brings together young composers, performers and dancers from Rimouski and Montreal.
To reserve, click here. This event is free with the obtention of the entrance rights to the Reford Gardens.
Florence Tremblay - Artistic Director and Composer
Audréanne Filion - Composer and cellist
Frédérique Le Duc-Moreau - Composer and violist
Gabrielle Gagnon-Picard - Pianist
Milan Panet-Gigon - Dancer
Marie-Maxime Ross - Dancer