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PODCAST | Recording of an Episode of the Podcast "Cadre bâti", with Guillaume Éthier and Emile Forest

Date: August 2, 2024 - 06:00 PM
Place: Aire Desjardins du Grand hall | Aire Desjardins, Great Hall
Price: 0$

PODCAST | Recording of an Episode of the Podcast

Cadre bâti is a podcast series launched in February 2021 by Guillaume Ethier, professor of urban studies at UQAM and Emile Forest, landscaper and co-founder of the organization Nouveaux voisins. The objective of this podcast is to create moments of encounter around a subject related to the urban, all orchestrated in an informal context where the guests are free to tell us about their journey as much as the content of their work. Each episode of Cadre bâti is an opportunity to address an urban subject in depth, from different angles, in a discussion that focuses on humility and horizontality in the exchanges.

Sortir du cadre ! events seek to pursue this mission by inviting the public to attend the recording of an episode. A moment is planned, at the end, to allow the participants to continue the discussion with the members of the team.

On this episode, Guillaume and Emile will meet with Sébastien Roy and Jérémie Dussault-Lefebvre, the 2023 recipients of the Grantham Foundation’s Grand Prize for Creation and Research in Architecture.

This activity is free for the members of Les Amis des Jardins de Métis and for people who have paid their entrance fee to the Jardins de Métis.

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